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Entry Form


Happy Kamper Classic Entry Information




Add your name to our wait list!


Wait list Instructions:

Enter your information on the form below. Please answer every question so that we know how to contact you!


There is no cost to be added to the wait list. Prices are only listed so that you can be aware and prepare! 


Wait list is first come first serve, so get your names in early! 


If you are selected from the wait list, we will reach out to you via the email address provided. Once contacted, we will confirm your entry fees, and provide payment information. You will have 24 hours to provide payment in full.

Once we receive your payment, your name will be added to the Entrant List page on the website! 


-Happy Kamping! 

Understanding of risk

By submitting payment and entering Happy Kamper Classic, I acknowledge that I understand the inherent risks associated with live model horse showing.  I agree to abide by the rules and conditions outlined in the show packet for participation in the event. Furthermore, by submitting my payment, I hereby release the show holders from any liability and agree to hold them harmless in the event of any damage occurring to my models during the course of the show.

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